These are some of the models I created for the JRTC Farm
map for America's Army: Operations. I was looking to recapture the
look of the abandoned and deteriorating farm buildings that are everywhere
back home.
This is the 250 foot jump tower model that I did for the
Airborne training portion of AA:O. Because the player gets fairly
close to the model in-game, each strut has been individually created
instead of using a transparent alpha texture across an entire side.
This is an abused metal stairway that I built for the
Weapons Cache map for AA:O. Some of the back faces are missing from
this shot because the model was designed to be placed in a rectangular
shaft, and the faces that would never be seen were deleted.
This is a partially busted up wood footbridge that I did
for the HQ Raid map for AA:O. There's a strong light source at one
end of the bridge in the game, so I modeled the slats individually so that
you would get some interesting light effects from underneath the bridge.
This is a tank from the exterior portion of the Pipeline
map for AA:O. This was recreated from a photo of an actual piece of
machinery at one of the Alaskan Pipeline pump stations.